Maryam Mermey’s Healing Arts Blog

Divine Strength


Photo by Maryam Mermey

Divine Strength

The intention and purpose of Divine Strength is to help fortify our spirit and unite our bodies, hearts, souls, and minds in the mighty effort to be true to ourselves and fulfill our callings. Sri Ram Jai Ram is a Hindu chant to which a dance was choreographed (see below) and is one of the dances of Universal Peace. Sri Ram Jai Ram means victory to Ram, the Hindu God of Strength. Like all strength, it has to be tested. According to Hindu mythology, when Ram's Beloved Sitha was kidnapped by an evil god, Ram placed his faith in Divine Strength to help him persevere through many trials and tribulations until he was finally able to rescue Sitha. There are times when we too to go through painful and at times excruciating circumstances, in order to embrace our true selves. The song and dance Sri Ram Jai Ram starts out gently streaming through our bodies, hearts, souls, minds, and spirits until the streams flow into a waterfall of energy, which cascades through our whole beings as individuals and as a group. As we return to the place of stillness from which the song and dance began, we bring our hands to our hearts. This gesture helps to assimilate the spiritual power, which lets us know that we can do whatever it takes, to embrace our true selves.

Sri Ram Jai Ram Dance from the Hindu Tradition - Divine Strength -

  1. Singing ‘Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram’ 4x – Walk in a circle in a clockwise direction with arms swinging naturally.
  2. Singing ‘Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram’ 4x - Continue walking in a circle in a clockwise direction as take hands and continue to allow arms to swing naturally into and out of the circle.
  3. Singing ‘Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram’ 4x – Continue walking in a circle in a clockwise direction as cross arms in front of the body and while holding this position, take the extended hand of the person on either side and continue walking.
  4. Singing ‘Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram’ 4x – Continue walking in a circle in a clockwise direction. In one flowing motion, let go of hands as lift crossed arms overhead gradually uncrossing arms until they are reaching to the sky and lower the hands behind the backs of neighbors and join hands. Everyone is holding hands behind each others’ backs or if arms do not reach, arms may be around each others’ backs.
  5.  Chanting “Ram” – Continue walking in a circle in a clockwise direction while holding hands behind the backs of neighbors or with arms around. Feel the presence of individual and collective Divine Strength. Can also be done facing the center of the circle with the right foot in front, rocking back and forth stamping on the right foot when chanting Ram. As the chanting gets louder so does the stamping until a peak is reached and then the volume of both sounds gradually softens until barely audible.     

May change movement phrase with each phrase of Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (rather than singing Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 4x before changing to the next movement phrase) once the movements are familiar. 

The next article will focus on Divine Receiving and Giving inspired by a song from the Hebrew Tradition. 

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