Maryam Mermey’s Healing Arts Blog

Divine Receiving and Giving

Canadian Geese

Photo by Akiba Mermey


~ Divine Receiving and Giving ~

"From You I Receive, To You I Give", was composed by Joseph and Nathan from the Jewish Tradition. The song inspired the dance described below and is now part of the Dances of Universal Peace. Sacred Dance is a way to refresh our spirits by returning to our Divine Innocence and playful nature, which in turn fortifies us and gives us the Divine Strength to protect our true selves from harm. It is a powerful experience to stand before another human being with arms outstretched and palms facing up in a receiving position and then to turn palms facing out in a giving position. There is a sense of reverence for the Divine presence standing before us. I find this to be one of the holiest experiences of being a person. We realize this exchange of essences is what we all long for and it has nothing to do with our place in the world but everything to do with soul sharing. In the ecstasy of communion across all barriers, we join hands and rejoice that this is truly what feeds the soul. Then we spin to the next person and repeat the song and dance until we have experienced the bliss of Divine Receiving and Giving with as many people as possible. 


 "From You I Receive, To You I Give" from Dances of Universal Peace ~ The Jewish Tradition ~ Song by Joseph & Nathan   ~ Divine Receiving & Giving ~

  1. ‘From you I receive’ – Stand facing a partner with palms turned up in a receiving position.
  2. ‘To you I give’ – Continue facing same partner and turn palms outward in a giving position.
  3. ‘Together we share’ – Take hands across and walk in a circle in a clockwise direction.
  4. ‘From this we live’ – Let go of hands and spin to the next partner and repeat the sequence. If time allows, repeat this pattern until everyone has partnered with everyone in the group.
  5. Variations may include making individual movements expressing Divine Receiving and Giving.
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