Past Classes

Creative Theatre for Teens & Adults

This class introduces teen and adults to a range of playful creative games and improvisational theatre techniques intended to offer renewal in body, mind, heart & spirit. A wide range of colorful silk scarves will be available to feed the imagination for costumes and a sense of humor. This is a wonderful, intergenerational opportunity to rejuvenate relationships with yourself and others during the winter. No previous experience is necessary.

  • Saturday, January 28th 1-3 p.m.
  • Alfond Center for Health, Conference Rooms 1 & 2

Painting Glass Mandalas

The word Mandala comes from ancient Sanskrit and means Sacred Circle. Participants are invited to paint a healing design, image and/or symbol of what they hold sacred onto clear, glass circles.
They may follow an inspiring pattern from a choice of 4 Mandala Coloring Books, bring their own ideas or tap on their imaginations. The painted Mandalas are fired and returned the second session, which includes a chance to share the painted Mandalas and their stories. No previous experience is necessary. Children & youth 11 & up are most welcome!

  • Saturday, February 18 & 25
  • Session 1: 1 - 3 p.m.
  • Session 2: 1 - 2 p.m.
  • Alfond Center for Health, Conference Rooms 1 & 2

Sacred Songs & Dances

From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together. In this class, experience the exhilaration of singing and dancing circle and partner dances from various world traditions using simple music, lyrics and movements to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. Sacred dances are like moving mandalas and sung meditations, a celebration and experiential voyage into the wisdom and compassion that are at the heart of all spiritual pathways. This practice is also known as Dances of Universal Peace. No previous experience necessary. Children & youth 11 & up are most welcome!

  • Saturday, March 25
  • 2-4 p.m.
  • Alfond Center for Health, Conference Rooms 1 & 2

NEW Sacred Dances of Universal Peace

Singing and dancing simple circle and partner dances are ways to experience the truth offered by different faiths and traditions. In this class, the emphasis is on the qualities expressed in each song and dance such as the innocence expressed in the Shaker dance “Tis a Gift to be Simple” or the strength expressed in the Hindu song and dance “Sri Ram.” Some people refer to these dances as “spiritual folk dancing.”

  • Cost: Instructor: Location: Date:
  • $20/person
  • Maryam Mermey, PhD
  • Alfond Center for Health, Augusta, Conference Room 2
  • Saturday, Oct. 9 1 – 2:30 p.m.

NEW Images, Poetry & the Spirit

This class is an invitation to allow soul-stirring visual images from photographs, magazines, paintings, sculptures, fabric, etc., to inspire individual and group poetry. Especially in these challenging times, calming and balancing our hearts and minds can help renew a sense of wholeness and joy. The Sufi Purification Breaths and a Sufi Dance are offered to warm up the body, heart and soul for the creation of poetry. In this workshop, we become creators by engaging our right and left brains with images and words in a creative process, which calms our nervous systems and breathes new life into our spirits. Everyone's poems are regarded as sacred ground and are treated with reverence. Please bring a selection of images which have personal meaning and resonance as well as a digital or paper-and-pen means of recording poems. A display of photo poems is available as possible writing prompts on

  • Cost: Instructor: Location: Date:
  • $20/person
  • Maryam Mermey, PhD
  • Alfond Center for Health, Augusta, Classroom 1
  • Saturday, Nov. 6 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Registration Information

To register for a class:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the class you want.
  3. Complete all registration information.
  4. We accept credit and debit cards. Payment is required upon registration.
  5. We will confirm your registration by email.

If you need help registering, are seeking financial assistance, or would like to request a special accommodation,
please call 872-4102.

Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living Center will make reasonable modifications and accommodations to make sure people with disabilities have equal opportunity to participate in all classes and events.

If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to participate fully in a Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living class or event, please notify us at least 48 hours prior to the start of the class or event.


© 2007 - 2025 Maryam Mermey and The Transformative Arts