Maryam Mermey’s Healing Arts Blog

The Crown



The Crown


The Crown


The center of my being,

drawn by the sun,

reaches through the crown

for what is noble in all.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey Copyright © 2018

Glass Jewelry Making Class

Creators of beauty from the Glass Jewelry Making Class at the MaineGeneral Medical Center in the Prevention & Healthy Living Program.

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making 

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making 

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

Glass Jewelry Making

The Passion of Being

Passionate artists from the Women's Healing Arts Circle at The Center for Wisdom's Women, using watercolors to explore the theme of the Passion of Being. Artists and artwork in order of appearance are by: Abby White-Owl, Mary C. Hopkins, Susan Fitzpatrick, Sue Coker, Bethanie Bernard, Ruth Carney and Mikayla.

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

The Passion of Being

Still Fire

Still Fire

Still Fire


On a fallen log

with a heart-shaped hole,

a father stands - in regal dignity.

His colors bold,

His fire still.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2018

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring Paintings by the valiant women in the Healing Arts Circle at The Center for Wisdom's Women. The inspiration was Going With The Flow Of Being A Friend To Yourself. Artists & artwork in order of appearance: Elsa, Selma, Teodosia, Bryanna, Keri, Janice, Jodi, Sue C., Bethanie, Rebecca, Ruth, Michelle, Mckensie  & Xe.

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Paint Pouring

Hurricane Rose




Hurricane Rose


Hurricane of the heart

Surges of wind and water

Landfall unknown


Hurricane of the heart

Blew women apart

and blew us



PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2018



Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures of the Divine Women in the Healing Arts Circle at The Center for Wisdom's Women. The artists or their artwork in order of appearance are: Rebecca Johnson, Ruth Carney, Sue Coker and Janice Jones

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Inner Treasures

Baptismal Feathers

Baptismal Feathers

Baptismal Feathers

Pristine, baptismal feathers


for a sacrament.


Fierce, prehistoric claw,


for the truth.

PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2018

The Dragonfly Fairy and the Great Mullein

 The Dragonfly Fairy and The Great Mullein

The Dragonfly Fairy & The Great Mullein

We couldn't be more different

you and I, 

and yet we are soul friends.

You give me roots

and I give you wings.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2018

Discovering Your Inner Treasure Expressive Arts Workshop

Discovering Your Inner Treasure Expressive Arts Workshop with Autism Society of Maine Summer Camp with teens & counselors. The imaginative and innovative teens & counselors celebrated Pirate Day with the creation of Mosaic Mandalas to express the wonders of their inner treasure!!!

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

 Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Discovering Your Inner Treasure

Dove Time

Dove Time

Dove Time

To fly with your heart

toward the center of the earth,

is to hear the Native American Flute

give sound to breath…

is to know that without the burnt holes

there is no sound

and there is no peace.

The eye of the dove

burns a hole

in my heart.


PhotoPoem offering from Akiba & Maryam

Autism Society of Maine

Paintings & Pipe Cleaner Sculptures by Awe~Inspiring Autism Society of Maine, Teen Social Group at Morning Glory Arts Therapy. They were rightly so proud of their artwork that they had a spontaneous exhibit on the deck, for their wonderful families!

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

Autism Society of Maine

© 2007 - 2024 Maryam Mermey and The Transformative Arts