Maryam Mermey’s Healing Arts Blog

We Make Our Own Joy

We Make Our Own Joy

We Make Our Own Joy


Finding openings

through the tangle

of branches,

we make

our own joy.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2019

Beauty Hidden


Beauty Hidden


Beauty Hidden


Each day lifts a veil,

to see beauty 


in ancient archetypes


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2019

The Sacred Trust Between Us


The Sacred Trust Between Us


The Sacred Trust Between Us


is a fortress of the heart.

Whether the sky is blue or grey,

You are my wings 

and I am Yours



PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2019

This Moment



This Moment


This Moment


Feathers touch the holy water

                                                                                                                  This moment will live in my bones ~ Always


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2019


Whispering Secrets

Whispering Secrets 

Whispering Secrets


Mythical beings

run by whispering secrets

Their feet kiss the grass.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2019

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Awesome Autism Teen Social Group creating cedar Mandalas with cedar shapes, colored glass, paper art and fabric paint. We ended with a Mandala Exhibit for parents and a Peace Dance with tie-dyed, silk banners. The paper art was graciously donated by Paula Kwon :)

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group


Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

 Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Cedar Mandalas with Autism Teen Social Group

Mosaic Mandalas

Deeply felt Mosaic Mandalas expressing what it's like to live inside the skin, the heart and the breath of the bully, the target and the witness-hero in the Transforming the Bullying Cycle Through the Expressive Arts Workshop at the 2019 International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference in Berkeley, CA.

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas 

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas


Mosaic Mandalas

Mosaic Mandalas






Sometimes we're given


beyond our reach

and yet we reach

with every prayer

of our being


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2019

The Hawk


The Hawk

The Hawk


No matter how closely

I look,

there will always be

something forgotten.

Something I didn't see,

something too big

too small

 too close

or something,

which didn't wish

to be seen.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2019







Sometimes our wings spread

farther than we imagine

and our hearts follow.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2019




If the tightness

in my heart could speak,

it would unleash reels

and reels of a great love

rising up

in swirls of smoke...


Many see the light of a candle,

but as the candle burns out...

who sees the essence?


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey Copyright © 2018

Christmas Lights


Christmas Lights


Christmas Lights


Beethoven's Complete Symphonies

play on my iPhone...

I keep the Christmas lights on all night...

a red, votive candle lit

for all those in need of prayer.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey Copyright © 2018

© 2007 - 2024 Maryam Mermey and The Transformative Arts