Maryam Mermey’s Healing Arts Blog

Alive and More Alive

Alive and More Alive


Alive and More Alive


Love looks many ways

as it dives ever deeper

and comes up refreshed


PhotoHaiku by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2020

Haiku Map

Haiku Map


Haiku Map


Veins mark the travel

raindrops pause for a moment

cobwebs show the path


PhotoHaiku by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2020





If I breathe into you

and you breathe into me

we can hold our lives together with pine sap

We can feel the strength in muskrats, blue jays and Baltimore Orioles

We can pour tart cherry juice over vegan yogurt for breakfast 

We can send PhotoPoem cards to young people who are loosing their hold on this world going up in flames, disease and corruption 

We can keep washing our bodies and hair and cleaning our houses

We can keep practicing the movements of peace

We can keep going on scooter rides along the Kennebec River

and sitting in chairs way too big for vertically challenged people

We can keep making chocolate tofu pudding with black berries on top

We can rise with the sun and run in the moonlight

and be just crazy and healthy enough

to tilt the world a little bit.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2020







Crack open the seeds

of pomegranate stories...

their juice is subtle.

PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright 2020









The Pieta




The Pieta


The Pieta

May you feel embraced

with a love as light

as the feathers of a dove.

May your tears of crucifixion

be washed out to sea

and transformed into waves

of courage.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2020



Scarlet's Flight



Scarlet's Flight

Scarlet's Flight


Onyx black eyes

fired with purpose,

knobby claws

tucked under

for flight,

Tanager's wings

embracing the light & the dark.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2020


Hidden and Revealed


Hidden and Revealed

Hidden and Revealed

The fragrance of belonging

of being hidden

   of being revealed

the black mask

   illuminating soul

PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright 2020

My Home


My Home

My Home

Beyond how I am seen

Beyond what I see...

In the garden of my eye

there is my home.

PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey 2020

Blessed in the Shade

Blessed in the Shade

Blessed in the Shade

Blessed in the shade

where thoughts may cool,

and feelings find peace.


Blessed in the sunshine

where caramel and lemon-yellow feathers

know that they are loved.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey 2020

Love's Breath


Love's Breath

Love's Breath

Azure blue and verdant green openings,

A winged sunrise ~ in the heart

Love's breath

transforming trauma.


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright © 2020


Unseen Love


Unseen Love

Unseen Love

With prayers in their eyes,

drawn by an unseen love,

beating wings

with everything they have...

PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey copyright ©  2020

Tai Chi Dancer



Tai Chi Dancer


Tai chi dancer

Balancing emptiness & presence

Following the breath of an impulse


PhotoPoem by Akiba & Maryam Mermey © 2020


© 2007 - 2024 Maryam Mermey and The Transformative Arts